Document destruction in Offenbach

Safe, discreet and fast

Professional and thorough document destruction Offenbach

As a certified specialist company for professional document destruction in Offenbach , we dispose of data carriers, confidential documents or complete archives. Our employees come to you on site and pick up your files or receive them at our depot by prior arrangement.

Trust in our great service in Offenbach and the surrounding area and request our pick-up service right now, make an appointment for your own delivery or order our special truck for document destruction directly on site. Experienced and well-trained, our PAPERSHRED® team is keen to permanently and irrevocably destroy your data after the retention period has expired, while maintaining the utmost discretion .

Either our high-performance shredder system or our shredder truck is available for this purpose. The truck destroys your documents quickly and professionally on site while maintaining the highest level of security and without any further transport risk.

Document destruction in Offenbach

Clear archives or empty filing in Offenbach and the surrounding area now

Would you like to clear out your large archive and free the files of many employees from expired documents? Then you need expert help from a company that specializes in document shredding in Offenbach. Request our service and we will come to you on site and take care of empty shelves and a tidy archive.

With PAPERSHRED® you have the choice with regard to the method of document destruction: bring the documents and data carriers to you in person, pick-up service or directly on site. Whatever you decide, we always ensure the highest level of security when handling your sensitive data . We make this possible, among other things, by carefully destroying all data carriers and files on the day of delivery or collection by us at the secure depot.

Since 2010


What we do, we do extremely well and with pleasure.
You too can benefit from our experience and our
business related service.


As a certified disposal company , we are authorized to properly destroy data. We have a quality management system according to ISO 9001-2015 .


Document destruction with PAPERSHRED® is EU GDPR compliant. By default, we work with the security level P3 – P4. There is even more security with our shredder truck.


One-time destruction or regular service? Collection or self-delivery? You decide! We would be happy to advise you on which offer is suitable for you.


We destroy entire files ourselves. A previous separation into individual parts is therefore not necessary.

That’s how it works
PAPERSHRED® shred service

In just a few steps to the secure destruction of your files, data and data carriers.

Paper shred service. In six steps to the secure destruction of documents, data and data carriers.

choose services

Request the best service for your company in Offenbach now

PAPERSHRED® works flexibly so that in Offenbach you can choose how and when your data and documents should be destroyed. Our service extends to the shredding of data carriers and files after your own delivery, by picking them up with our secured vehicles or in a shredder truck directly on site at your company.

Professional file disposal in Offenbach – choose your preferred procedure now.

1. Collection of the files to be destroyed

Our frequently used file pick-up service allows you to save yourself having to deliver many heavy files, data carriers or hard drives yourself. Our employees come to you and take your documents with them in special transport boxes and bring them immediately to our shredder facility in Offenbach. For security reasons, we do not plan to temporarily store your documents and business papers.

Our employees keep a detailed record of the collection, the transport in our secured vehicles with GPS and the final destruction, which is handed over to you at the end. The PAPERSHRED® team is particularly well trained in handling sensitive data, so you can always be sure that your data is in safe hands until it is irrevocably destroyed.

2. Auto Delivery

Are you a private individual or a small entrepreneur who would like to have your data professionally disposed of? Then you are welcome to bring smaller quantities of files, data carriers or business documents to our depot in Mainz yourself. Please register in advance using our registration form . You will then receive your own customer number, which you can use to communicate with us by telephone or online about the delivery date.

Since all files are destroyed on the same day as they are delivered, scheduling in advance is particularly important. Intermediate storage does not comply with the applicable safety precautions and is therefore not offered. Find out more about the self-delivery of your files.

3. On-site mobile document destruction

With our special vehicle in the form of a shredder truck, we drive to you on the company premises in Offenbach and the surrounding area. On site, we can professionally destroy all your business papers, documents or data carriers in the highest protection class 3 with our high-performance system .

Request our mobile document shredder today. PAPERSHRED® documents the process from start to finish and gives you a detailed record of the irrevocable destruction of all files, documents and data carriers. If you have your own data protection officer in the company, he is welcome to attend the destruction of files on your company premises and document it himself.

Contact Papershred

Send us your request now

If you have any further questions, we would be happy to advise you personally and provide you with answers.

Andreas Schulze -PAPERSHRED®

PAPERSHRED® Leistungen

Stationäre Aktenvernichtung | Schutzklasse 2 | Sicherheitsstufe P3 – P4
Archivräumung inklusive Tragearbeiten
Dauerhafte Platzierung der ShredBOX im Büro mit regelmäßiger Leerung
Festplattenvernichtung | Sicherheitsstufe H5
Vernichtung von Datenträgern (CD/DVD, Sicherungsbänder, Festplatten, Audio + VHS Kassetten)

Entsorgung von IT- und E-Schrott

Modern und Sicher

Eine ShredBOX für die Aktenvernichtung

Folgende Containergrößen stehen zur Auswahl:


Mit Sicherheit verschlossen!

 Die Sicherheit vor dem Zugriff Dritter am Aufstellungsort ist gewährleistet, da alle unsere ShredBOX Datenschutzbehälter aus uneinsehbarem Metall sind und stets geschlossen gehalten werden. Die Befüllung findet über eine Einwurfschleuse für loses Papier statt, ein Entwenden der Papiere und Dokumente ist damit unmöglich.

Wir möchten Sie hierfür speziell beraten und die Begehbarkeiten vor Ort klären.
Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zu Archivräumungen und Archiventsorgungen.


Kontaktieren Sie uns

Zögern Sie nicht, uns Ihre Anfrage zu senden. Wir stehen Ihnen mit individueller Beratung zur Seite und sind jederzeit erreichbar.

Andreas Schulze -PAPERSHRED®

Das sagen unsere Kunden


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